The most recent Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) from OECD found that only 67 percent of U.S. teachers under age 30 claimed teaching was their first career choice. However, more than 73 percent of young teachers in Finland and close to 80 percent of young teachers in Alberta, Canada said teaching was their first choice. Moreover, 85 percent of young teachers in Japan and over 90 percent of young teachers in South Korea indicated teaching was their first choice career. Attracting young talent to teaching is vital to building a strong, adaptive teaching force that will last. Read about how Canada, Finland, Japan and South Korea have been working to attract and retain teachers in CIEB’s country profiles. The OECD will release Volume II of TALIS 2018, Teachers and School Leaders as Valued Professionals, later this month. NCEE will host a webinar focused on the report’s implications for the U.S. with OECD’s Andreas Schleicher and NCEE’s Anthony Mackay in early April. More information on the webinar and registration coming soon!