In this webinar, hosted by NCEE in collaboration with OECD, education experts discuss the 2022 PISA Mathematics results and their implications for U.S. education.
In this webinar, hosted by NCEE in collaboration with OECD, education experts discuss the 2022 PISA Mathematics results and their implications for U.S. education.
In this webinar, hosted by NCEE in collaboration with OECD, education leaders from diverse contexts across the U.S. discuss the latest 2022 PISA results and their implications for U.S. education.
Hear from experts on international data, current U.S. priorities, labor market analysis, and successful district programs designed to help students find their voice through viable career and technical education options.
The number of adults with higher education has doubled among OECD countries in two decades. They’re more likely to be employed and earn more than their less-educated peers. The challenge now is finding creative ways to support more students and help them get to the finish line prepared for in-demand jobs and careers.
Read highlights or watch the full video of NCEE's special in-depth look at the report's findings and implications.
Mackay and Schleicher discuss the OECD study which explores how students are developing reading skills to navigate the technology filled world of the 21st century.
This webinar from October 27, 2020 featured the OECD's Andreas Schleicher and NCEE's Anthony Mackay in a discussion focused on findings from the sixth and final volume of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 results.
In October 2020, NCEE and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) hosted a webinar centered on the findings from the recently released report, Effective Policies, Successful Schools, and what they mean for the U.S.
In this webinar from September 8, 2020, the OECD’s Andreas Schleicher and NCEE’s Anthony Mackay took a special in-depth look at implications for U.S. schools and school systems stemming from the 2020 Education at a Glance report.
In April 2020 NCEE’s Anthony Mackay and the OECD’s Andreas Schleicher took a closer look at TALIS 2018 and lessons for the U.S.