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A Community of


NCEE dots

We’re bringing together a dynamic community of educators, policymakers, community members and researchers who are passionate about shaping the future of education. Through this online community, we’re sparking conversations, sharing insights, and building a movement for lasting change—because transforming education takes all of us.

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In our newsletter, you’ll find a blend of insights from research and the wisdom of practice—designed to spark ideas, inspire action, and foster dialogue. From the latest in education research and international education news to real examples of innovation and impact within U.S. schools and districts, NCEE’s Onward! is your go-to source for thought-provoking perspectives and meaningful discussions on the future of education. We hope you’ll sign up to receive the newsletter and add your voice to our discussions.

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  • Taiwan
    Country Profiles1px solid #ddd

    Taiwan ranks among the best in the world on international comparisons of student performance. Taiwan has also made progress on equity: variation in scores among schools (particularly rural and urban) has steadily declined.

    Country Profiles1px solid #ddd

    Taiwan ranks among the best in the world on international comparisons of student performance. Taiwan has also made progress on equity: variation in scores among schools (particularly rural and urban) has steadily declined.

  • Japan
    Country Profiles1px solid #ddd

    Japan has ranked among the top performers on PISA since 2000, particularly in mathematics. Japan’s results also show greater equity than in many other OECD jurisdictions.

    Country Profiles1px solid #ddd

    Japan has ranked among the top performers on PISA since 2000, particularly in mathematics. Japan’s results also show greater equity than in many other OECD jurisdictions.

  • Estonia
    Country Profiles1px solid #ddd

    Estonia emerged as a top performer on PISA 2012. By 2018, Estonia had become a top performer globally in all three subjects and the highest performer in Europe.

    Country Profiles1px solid #ddd

    Estonia emerged as a top performer on PISA 2012. By 2018, Estonia had become a top performer globally in all three subjects and the highest performer in Europe.

  • Hong Kong
    Country Profiles1px solid #ddd

    Hong Kong emerged as a world leader in education on the first PISA in 2000. It has stayed near the top of the PISA charts ever since.

    Hong Kong
    Country Profiles1px solid #ddd

    Hong Kong emerged as a world leader in education on the first PISA in 2000. It has stayed near the top of the PISA charts ever since.

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