Charting the Course

Catalyzing a Future-Ready,
Learner-Centered Education System

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Wednesday, June 26

Connections & Canapés

A Gallery Walk & Networking Reception for Alliance and Collaborative Members and Partners
5:30 – 7:30 pm Location TBD

Thursday, June 27

Charting the Course:
Where We’ve Been and Where We Hope to Go

| Vicki Phillips, Keynote Address
The Role of Leadership in Fostering Learner-Centered, Future-Ready Systems

| Tools for Practical Application and Collaborative Critique
Analysis, prioritization, and sharing of successful learner-centered transformation strategies

| Creative Catalyst: Unleashing Joyful Innovation
Lively one-hour brainstorming workshop

| Designing Transformative Learning Journeys: Team Action Planning
District teams transform their most promising ideas into concrete, detailed designs for transformative learning experience

| Connect, Reflect, and Project: A Speed Networking Odyssey for Leaders
A platform for participants to engage in rapid-fire conversations, fostering reflections and forging meaningful connections

Friday, June 28

Immersive AI Leadership

| Hitendra Wadhwa, Keynote Address
The Inner Game of Transformational Leadership

| Leveraging AI in Leadership: LiFT Demo
Participants will actively use the LiFT AI coaching tool, exploring its functionalities and discovering its impact on leadership dynamics in educational settings

| Harnessing Mixed Reality for Educational Excellence
Dr. Cassandra Herring and her team from Branch Alliance for Educator Diversity (BranchED), introduces educational leaders to the transformative potential of Mixed Reality Simulations (MRS)

| Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going
In this closing session, Alliance members will reflect on critical findings from the day with a full-group reflection.

| NCEE Opt-in Social
Professional Networking Activities: 5:00 – 7:00 pm

Saturday, June 29

A Catalyst for Action

| Doing Together What We Can’t Do Alone: Team Planning Time
District teams will continue the practical application of learning and action planning

| Optional Design Session: A Focused Vision for Our Collaborative
We invite you to a collaborative design session focused on developing impactful network advisory teams

| Closing Reflection and Energizing Next Steps