On February 8th, 2024 Andreas Schleicher of the OECD gave an overview of the results of the latest PISA exam, with an emphasis on the impact of COVID on student performance, U.S. results, supporting all students to thrive, and parental involvement.

Then, moderated by NCEE’s Dr. Vicki Phillips, a panel of education leaders discussed the how the PISA findings resonated with their experience and in their education systems. Charlene Russell-Tucker, Connecticut Commissioner of Education, Dr. Christina Grant, District of Columbia State Superintendent of Education, and Jerry Almendarez, Superintendent for the Santa Ana Unified School District each spoke about where they are spending most of their time and energy to improve student outcomes, as well as the priorities and programs that are having the most impact on student engagement.

Watch the full video above. Slides from Andreas Schleicher’s presentation are available here.

Recording and slides from the second webinar in this series, PISA in Perspective: Cultivating Mathematical Mindsets is now available here. This installment included an in-depth look at mathematics education around the world. Starting from the results of the 2022 PISA exam, with its focus on mathematics, this webinar explored:

  • lessons we can learn from countries who performed well in math;
  • U.S. performance in math, including why it lags and where there is room for hope; and
  • strategies and levers to improve math performance, including professional learning and high-quality curriculum materials.

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