Edited by Marc Tucker, this book provides in-depth case studies of the VET systems of Switzerland, Singapore, China and the United States and distills the principles that could underlie a well-designed, future-ready VET system, given the rapid and expansive change in the global economy.
In this important book, published by ASCD, Marc Tucker details how education leaders can design and build highly effective systems for educating students from a wide range of backgrounds to world-class standards by learning from the international education systems that produce much higher achievement often at the same or lower cost.
Marc Tucker, NCEE’s Founding President, calls for replacing the U.S.’s current system of test-based accountability with a system much more likely to result in improvements in student performance.
This compilation of interviews with top Chinese education leaders and international researchers explores some of the policies and practices behind Shanghai’s outstanding performance on PISA 2009 and PISA 2012.
This report outlines the school governance structures used in the top-performing countries around the world in an effort to draw out lessons for the United States.
Marc Tucker explores what sets the Singapore Vocational Education and Training system apart—including good governance and a strong link to business.
An in depth look at the education systems that are leading the world in student performance to find out what strategies are working and how they might apply to the United States, this book provides a series of answers to the question of how the United States can compete with the world’s best.
Marc Tucker, Judy Codding, and a stellar list of experts from the United States and abroad paint a revealing portrait of what it means to be a principal now and how to apply the very best practices in the world to solve the crisis in school leadership.
Written by Marc Tucker and Judy Codding, this timely, tough-minded book shows how American public schools can be saved by instituting high standards for academic achievement. It explains not just what the standards movement is about and why it is important, but also what it will take to bring every student up to high standards, no matter where that student starts.