Singapore’s system of teacher development is second to none.
OECD Director for Education and Skills Andreas Schleicher and NCEE President and CEO Anthony Mackay discuss the key education policy priorities uncovered in Education Policy Outlook 2019, including the latest developments in the global education landscape and the lessons these new developments provide for U.S. policy makers and education leaders.
OECD Director for Education and Skills Andreas Schleicher, the U.S. Department of Education’s Thomas Snyder and NCEE President and CEO Anthony Mackay take a special in-depth look at implications for U.S. schools and school systems stemming from the OECD’s Education at a Glance 2019 report, the authoritative source for information on the state of education around the world.
In Shanghai, even the physical layout of schools is set up to encourage teachers to work together in professional collaboration.
In 2006, Ontario, Canada realized that in nearly a fifth of the elementary schools in the province, more than half of students scored below the provincial standard in math, reading and writing. In response, the province invested in a program called Ontario Focused Intervention Partnership.
All teachers in Estonia, Finland, Shanghai, and South Korea are trained to both action and quantitative research.
Some of the best early childhood education systems in the world have clear pathways for career development for early childhood educators.