A Blueprint for Developing Tomorrow’s School Leaders

Based on two years of research supported by Carnegie Corporation of New York, The Broad Foundation, and the New Schools Venture Fund, The Principal Challenge focuses directly on the causes and cures of the crisis in school leadership. Marc Tucker, Judy Codding, and a stellar list of experts from the United States and abroad paint a revealing portrait of what it means to be a principal now, how and why most graduate schools of education have failed to provide the training principals need, what the military and business sectors do to create and support their leaders and managers, what the state of the art in professional training looks like, what other nations are doing to address this problem, and how to apply the very best practices in the world to solve the crisis in school leadership.

This book is honest and hard-hitting. And it offers realistic solutions. Based on the thorough analysis provided by the chapter authors, the editors of The Principal Challenge offer an imaginative proposal for a new kind of institution that will train school principals to be turn-around artists. Drawing on the new forms of executive development programs in our business schools, they propose a similar program for school principals. The approach involves a close collaboration between the new institution and entire school districts, combining face-to-face instruction with web-based delivery. The innovative curriculum they describe, like the best approaches in business and industry, uses carefully developed cases, simulations, games, action projects, seminars and journaling, The editors offer a clear conception of what it might mean to be an instructional leader, a way of thinking about what it takes for a principal to be a strategic thinker, an approach that principals can use to take advantage of the best current thinking on knowledge management and professional development, a conception of the principal as school designer, an emphasis on the use of data to drive planning, and a host of tested ideas that principals can use to lead their schools to better results.

Available on Amazon.

Want to learn more?

  • This book is designed for the leadership of reform at the high school, district, and state levels; for policymakers instrumental in these reforms; and to university faculty and graduate students in education. It will be a valuable resource in courses on leadership, administration, policy, curriculum and instruction, and change facilitation.

  • Written by Marc Tucker and Judy Codding, this timely, tough-minded book shows how American public schools can be saved by instituting high standards for academic achievement. It explains not just what the standards movement is about and why it is important, but also what it will take to bring every student up to high standards, no matter where that student starts.