Education plays a key role in addressing many critical challenges and opportunities faced by countries across the globe: fostering economic prosperity, nurturing and enhancing democracy, promoting peace and sustainability, and supporting civic engagement in a diverse, interdependent world.

The annual International Summit on the Teaching Profession (ISTP) is a unique opportunity that brings education ministers and union leaders together to discuss practical steps to improve education. The 2023 ISTP focused on three areas to deeply explore the theme of Poised for the Future: Transformative Teaching for Global Engagement, Sustainability, and Digital Access. These areas of focus are:

1. Elevating the teaching profession,

2. Educating for global and cultural competence, and

3. Leveraging digital technologies to ensure equitable and enhanced learning for all.

Co-hosted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Education International, and United States Secretary of Education Miguel A. Cardona, this year’s summit included ministers and teachers’ union leaders from 22 countries, alongside other policymakers, teachers, researchers, and NGO leaders, as they gathered in Washington, D.C., for the 13th annual ISTP in April 2023.

The report, authored by NCEE, summarizes the discussions at the summit and the efforts that nations across the globe are making to prepare their education systems for the future.

Delegates from ISTP23 hear from OECD's Andreas Schleicher
Delegates from ISTP23 hear from OECD’s Andreas Schleicher

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