As the summer months come to a close, CIEB spoke to members of our International Advisory Board to find out what issues are front of mind for them in today’s ever-evolving world of work and its impact on education.
From Ursula Renolds of the KOF Swiss Economic Institute in Zurich, this comparative report defines and measures the linkage between vocational education and training (VET) education and employment systems, then uses it to compare the largest upper-secondary VET programs from 20 countries.
A comparative study of instructional systems across nine jurisdictions in six high-performing countries, as defined by rankings on the OECD’s 2012 PISA assessments. That study produced country profiles and a cross case analysis.
This two volume report is the result of NCEE’s groundbreaking study of the English Literacy and Mathematics required for success in the first year of community college in the U.S.
This book is designed for the leadership of reform at the high school, district, and state levels; for policymakers instrumental in these reforms; and to university faculty and graduate students in education. It will be a valuable resource in courses on leadership, administration, policy, curriculum and instruction, and change facilitation.
This is a set of internationally competitive performance standards in English language arts, mathematics, science and applied learning at the 4th, 8th and 10th grade levels. The standards are no longer in print, but can be downloaded here in PDF form.
Written by Marc Tucker and Judy Codding, this timely, tough-minded book shows how American public schools can be saved by instituting high standards for academic achievement. It explains not just what the standards movement is about and why it is important, but also what it will take to bring every student up to high standards, no matter where that student starts.
In 1990, a commission chaired by former U.S. Secretaries of Labor Ray Marshall and William E. Brock published the third, and in many ways, the most alarming in a series of reports about the plight of the U.S. work force.
The Report of the Task Force on Teaching as a Profession, from the Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy