These in-depth case studies look critically at how Estonia and Finland have built world-class education systems for today, and how each system is positioning itself for the future.
Hear from experts on international data, current U.S. priorities, labor market analysis, and successful district programs designed to help students find their voice through viable career and technical education options.
Domestic and international examples of successful career pathways systems that can prepare all our youth to thrive in work and life.
Vicksburg-Warren School District is transforming their teaching and learning experience & seeing results with far-reaching benefits for individuals, families, and the community.
In a groundbreaking new report, a bipartisan group of 20 state legislators and staff are urging their colleagues to reimagine public education in the U.S. based on the successful practices and policies of the world’s best education systems.
The number of adults with higher education has doubled among OECD countries in two decades. They’re more likely to be employed and earn more than their less-educated peers. The challenge now is finding creative ways to support more students and help them get to the finish line prepared for in-demand jobs and careers.
Geoff Masters, CEO of the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), writes about how five jurisdictions that have performed unusually well on the OECD’s PISA assessment organize their school systems now and how these jurisdictions are aiming to transform their systems to better meet the changing economic and social context.
Disparities in work experience during college between socio-economically advantaged and disadvantaged students impacts how long it takes to secure good jobs.
This just-released report outlines the rich conversations that took place among leaders from a set of the world’s highest-performing education systems about the impact of digitalization and other global trends on the future of work and civil society; what this means for what students should learn and how they should learn it; and how this might change the role of educators and the design of public education systems.
With increased interest in and funding for apprenticeships in the U.S., Switzerland’s world-class apprenticeship model offers lessons for how to build a CTE system that is both appealing to students and valued by industry.
America Achieves CEO Jon Schnur discusses the importance of a good jobs agenda and the role of career pathway systems for preparing children for the next economy on the latest Global Ed Talk with NCEE’s Anthony Mackay.
In this Global Ed Talk, NCEE CEO Anthony Mackay speaks with Bob Schwartz, professor at Harvard University and co-founder of the Pathways to Prosperity network, about what America needs to do to update its CTE system to match leading countries around the world.