As the summer months come to a close, CIEB spoke to members of our International Advisory Board to find out what issues are front of mind for them in today’s ever-evolving world of work and its impact on education.
From Ursula Renolds of the KOF Swiss Economic Institute in Zurich, this comparative report defines and measures the linkage between vocational education and training (VET) education and employment systems, then uses it to compare the largest upper-secondary VET programs from 20 countries.
U.S. students have better access to computers and stronger web-browsing skills than their international counterparts, yet they struggle to solve problems using technology.
PIAAC data shows that U.S. adults, especially young and unemployed populations, lag behind their international peers in literacy, numeracy, and digital problem solving, highlighting the need for improved skill development.
Key principles and practices from the best systems vocational education systems around the globe.
Authors Nancy Hoffman of Jobs for the Future and Robert Schwartz of the Harvard Graduate School of Education shed new light on the Swiss VET system, how businesses play—and benefit from—a central role in the training of a highly skilled workforce, and the seamless connections between VET and the broader Swiss education system.
This report outlines China’s need to evaluate and adapt the structure, organization and scale of its vocational education and training (VET) system—the largest such system in the world.
The 2012 edition of OCED Education at a Glance highlights the impact of the global recession on education and employment, exploring the link between education and the economy.