In April 2020 NCEE’s Anthony Mackay and the OECD’s Andreas Schleicher took a closer look at TALIS 2018 and lessons for the U.S.
In 2006, Ontario, Canada realized that in nearly a fifth of the elementary schools in the province, more than half of students scored below the provincial standard in math, reading and writing. In response, the province invested in a program called Ontario Focused Intervention Partnership.
The world’s best education systems are providing current and future school leaders with leadership development that is specifically tailored to their unique context, mirrors their day-to-day responsibilities, and is focused on real-world problems facing those in the profession.
Lead by Linda Darling-Hammond, Empowered Educators is a landmark, international comparative study of teacher and teaching quality in the world’s top-performing education systems.
This report from former Shanghai Normal University President and Shanghai Education Commission Deputy Director Minxuan Zhang, offers an insider’s perspective into the world-leading Shanghai education system.
Top-performing education systems require significantly longer and more structured classroom practicum experiences with expert mentorship for teacher candidates, compared to the inconsistent and often shorter requirements across U.S. states.
Top education systems select school leaders from among the very best teachers, providing strong mentorship support as they progress in their careers.
Top-performing education systems require aspiring principals to have teaching experience, leadership qualifications, and often leadership training programs.
From leading Australian researcher Ben Jensen, this report analyzes the way four high-performing systems provide professional learning to their teachers.
Marc Tucker, Judy Codding, and a stellar list of experts from the United States and abroad paint a revealing portrait of what it means to be a principal now and how to apply the very best practices in the world to solve the crisis in school leadership.