Providing meals for all students, and using meal times as a way to promote learning, is a policy many top-performing systems use to ensure that all students are healthy and ready to learn.
California’s new plan of providing funds for low-income students to save for post-secondary education is a strategy used by some top-performing countries such as Canada.
The urgency of restarting economies has accelerated efforts around the world to provide broader access to high quality child care.
In the final Global Ed Talks of 2020, Anthony Mackay is joined by John White, co-founder and board chairman of Propel America and member of NCEE’s Board of Trustees.
In this two book series—the culmination of a groundbreaking study—Sharon Lynn Kagan and a team of expert international researchers find that Australia, England, Finland, Hong Kong, the Republic of Korea and Singapore are pioneering new but remarkably different visions for early childhood education and care (ECEC).