New Logo—New Look
We have updated our color palette that will be used across our programs, which we hope you will find bright, hopeful and engaging, and in line with the modern communication landscape. Our new logo is a distillation of the letters that comprise NCEE, which you can see in the animated logo on the right that introduces our videos. It is designed to reflect the credibility of an industry leader and to convey the focus of our work on “systemness”.

New Website
You will see our new logo and branding across our website, as well as other important updates:

Three Centers: much of the new site is organized around the three Centers that comprise NCEE. Under the Center on International Education Benchmarking, visitors will find actionable research and insights on the design of the world’s leading education systems, including our in-depth profiles of top-performing education systems. The Center on Policy Solutions provides policy design and consulting for designing high-performing education systems at the state and regional level. The Center on System Leadership provides leading supports for district and school leaders to raise system-wide performance.

The NCEE Blueprint: NCEE’s Blueprint for a High-Performing Education System (the NCEE Blueprint) distills NCEE’s accumulated insights of more than 3 decades of studying and benchmarking the world’s leading systems into a design that states and districts can use to redesign their own system for high-performance. This vision of high-performing systems informs the work of all three of NCEE’s Centers, and the new website describes how each approaches the study and implementation of its principles. We have also created a dedicated section of the website for the NCEE Blueprint wherein you may read and reflect on its content and learn how to apply the learnings to your work. The Blueprint section of the website expands on the namesake document to include videos and other resources that offer other avenues to explore the policy and practice recommendations and allow for deeper investigation of the recommendations and their application.

The Resource Hub: NCEE has produced and continues to produce some of the leading studies of high-performing systems in the world. Our new Resource Hub is your source to the latest from NCEE as well as some of the most impactful research of the past three decades. Articles, books and videos are easily accessible by topic and author using our filter-utility.
We hope you enjoy our new look and our new website. We look forward to continuing to support you, our partners, as we work together to create the high-performing systems of tomorrow.