More than 12,000 educators across 35 states and more than 375 districts nationwide have engaged in NISL

When it comes to improving student achievement, principals are crucial. Research shows that an effective principal can improve school culture and reduce teacher turnover—creating environments where students learn more. In fact, according to the Wallace Foundation, leadership development has a larger impact on student achievement than any other district-wide initiative.

Designed using research from across the globe, the NISL program helps school leaders transform their schools and accelerate learner outcomes. Through cohort-based, job-embedded applied learning, NISL equips leaders with the knowledge and skills to improve instruction, use data to drive decisions, foster a positive school culture, and give every student the chance to succeed in school and beyond.

NISL has been rigorously evaluated and found to meet What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Standards Without Reservation—the highest possible rating from WWC, certifying that the program is proven to be effective.
What Works Clearinghouse

Measurable Impact

A large-scale randomized control trial study of over 90,000 students across 3 states found that NISL:

  • Makes a significant improvement on students’ ELA achievement when combined with coaching
  • Positively affects instruction and school climate
  • Is welcomed and appreciated by participating leaders

The results of this study meet WWC Standards Without Reservation with at least one statistically significant positive finding and at least one finding that shows strong (Tier 1) Evidence of Effectiveness.

*In this study NISL was called the Executive Development Program (EDP)

Explore nine case studies highlighting the leadership journey of NISL principals.

Proven Strategies

The Learning Policy Institute found that NISL aligned closely with key elements of high quality programs that enable principals to improve school outcomes:

  • Close collaboration between programs and school districts
  • Networks of practicing principals learning together
  • Problem-based learning opportunities
  • Strong focus on improving school-wide instruction
  • Training on data and collective inquiry to identify problems and address needs, in collaboration with staff and community.
School Leader

A book published by Harvard Education Press found that the NISL curriculum is engineered to support mastery of Deeper Learning Principles—with a solid grounding in learning theory.

Lasting Results

A rigorous empirical investigation of NISL in Pennsylvania* found that the program:

  • Boosted student achievement, with a statistically significant improvement in student math performance once a principal has completed the program
  • Improved teacher effectiveness, especially in schools serving the state’s most underserved students
  • Increased teacher retention, with a significant decline in teacher turnover in the years after a principal has completed the program

*In Pennsylvania, NISL is known as the Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership Program, or PIL

School principal standing outdoors on campus

“Because of NISL, our leadership team operates differently. It has helped us grow, helped us become stronger together, more strategic.”

-NISL Graduate, Florida

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