ESSA Evidence of Effectiveness

Two independent evaluations offer validation of the NISL program.

RAND Corporation Evaluation George W. Bush Institute Report

Professional Learning at Work

The RAND Corporation’s evaluation of NISL demonstrates principals’ improvement efforts and what strategies they applied to reach their goals.

RAND Study

NISL-led Students Gain More Than a Month of Learning

A study by Johns Hopkins and Old Dominion universities evaluated 38 elementary and middle schools in Massachusetts that were led by principals who participated in the NISL program.

Massachusetts Study

Increase in PA Schools’ Proficiency Rates

A study compared student achievement gains in schools with principals who participated in the NISL program with those of comparison schools that were matched in initial performance and demographic factors.

Pennsylvania Study

NISL Increased Proficiency in Math and Literacy Assessments

A study of Milwaukee (WI) Public Schools from Johns Hopkins and Old Dominion Universities found that students in NISL-led schools outperformed their peers in math and literacy on state assessments.

Milwaukee Study

NCEE Piloted an Advanced Credentialing System

NCEE created a system of professional learning and supports for principals at different stages of their careers and opportunities to earn professional recognition in the form of an advanced credential.

Advanced Credentialing System

Wide-scale Support for Principals

NCEE implemented the NISL program to support principals in California, Florida and Mississippi.

Investing in Innovation (i3) Grant

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