In the fourth of a series of conversations on critical topics in education and innovation, Anthony Mackay sits down with Vivien Stewart, senior advisor for education at the Asia Society and a member of the NCEE Board of Trustees to discuss how the demands on teaching are growing every year. The need to educate all students to high levels with 21st century skills, digital competency and the ability to filter through such modern issues as “fake news” are just a few issues that are challenging teachers. Meanwhile, countries around the world are struggling to recruit high-quality teaching candidates into the profession. However, a few select countries have managed to recruit and maintain a high-quality, stable teaching force that can rise to the challenges of modern-day teaching. Drawing on her experience with the International Summit on the Teaching Profession, Stewart outlines the strategies these systems have used to create, over time, an end-to-end system of teacher recruitment, preparation and support.
Global Ed Talks with Anthony Mackay: An Interview with Vivien Stewart