Amidst the world-wide scramble to rethink how education can be delivered during coronavirus school shutdowns, one bright spot emerges: most teachers already innovate and support their peers in doing the same. According to the results of the 2018 Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) from OECD, a wide majority of teachers across the globe strive to develop new ideas for teaching and learning, look for new approaches to solve problems, and feel supported by their colleagues as they try out innovations. This inventive thinking and community of support are key as teachers face the challenge of transitioning to full-time distance learning. Teachers are the lynchpin in today’s global experiment in distance learning, and TALIS results show that, if they are given the right supports, teachers can rise to the challenge. Find out more about teacher learning and leadership in a changing world in this Global Ed Talks interview with Carol Campbell (available as video or podcast). And learn more about the results from TALIS 2018, including what they mean for the United States in particular as well as what lessons they provide teachers and school systems responding to the coronavirus, on April 6th, during a live webinar with OECD Director for Education and Skills Andreas Schleicher and NCEE President Anthony Mackay.