On Nov. 7, 2019, New America hosted a live event in DC with Tucker and a panel of career and technical education experts to discuss the book’s findings and its implications for policy makers and practitioners.
Edited by Marc Tucker, this book provides in-depth case studies of the VET systems of Switzerland, Singapore, China and the United States and distills the principles that could underlie a well-designed, future-ready VET system, given the rapid and expansive change in the global economy.
From Ursula Renolds of the KOF Swiss Economic Institute in Zurich, this comparative report defines and measures the linkage between vocational education and training (VET) education and employment systems, then uses it to compare the largest upper-secondary VET programs from 20 countries.
In a groundbreaking new report, a bipartisan group of state legislators and staff are urging their colleagues to reimagine public education in the U.S. based on the successful practices and policies of the world’s best education systems.
Ensuring all students reach basic skill levels could significantly boost GDP, with top-performing countries showing that improving education outcomes is achievable, even for disadvantaged students.
Authors Nancy Hoffman of Jobs for the Future and Robert Schwartz of the Harvard Graduate School of Education shed new light on the Swiss VET system, how businesses play—and benefit from—a central role in the training of a highly skilled workforce, and the seamless connections between VET and the broader Swiss education system.
Marc Tucker explores what sets the Singapore Vocational Education and Training system apart—including good governance and a strong link to business.