In the tenth conversation of our Global Ed Talks series, Anthony Mackay sits down with Joanne Weiss, former chief of staff to U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and NCEE Board of Trustees member, to discuss how states are working to align their instructional systems.
Finnish students in teacher training programs spend a full year teaching in a specialized teacher training school before graduation.
Singapore’s system of teacher development is second to none.
In Shanghai, even the physical layout of schools is set up to encourage teachers to work together in professional collaboration.
In 2006, Ontario, Canada realized that in nearly a fifth of the elementary schools in the province, more than half of students scored below the provincial standard in math, reading and writing. In response, the province invested in a program called Ontario Focused Intervention Partnership.
All teachers in Estonia, Finland, Shanghai, and South Korea are trained to both action and quantitative research.