National Student Board Member Association
The National Student Board Member Association is committed to intergenerational partnership as a means of pushing forward high-quality education for every student.
The National Student Board Member Association is committed to intergenerational partnership as a means of pushing forward high-quality education for every student.
Student board members can be powerful partners with decision-makers in education systems, allowing school boards to leverage student voice and tap into the power of the next generation. Yet, for many school boards, the impact a student board member can have is hampered by a lack of training and difficulty working through the student-to-adult barrier.
The National Student Board Member Association (NSBMA) works with school districts to provide the training, support, and connections that student board members need in order to be effective partners in improving student outcomes within their school districts.
NSBMA is student driven and led, with mentorship and guidance from the National Center on Education and the Economy. NCEE is proud to help launch an organization that promises to have a positive impact on students across the nation for years to come.
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