Last week, WISE and Salzburg Global Seminar hosted a two-day virtual convening that investigated the consequences of coronavirus on the traditional school model and considered how to best optimize the current crisis to rapidly innovate and embed system-wide change in schools and education systems. Education Disrupted, Education Reimagined brought together education thought leaders from across the globe to look at how leaders, policymakers and practitioners worldwide are responding to the coronavirus crisis and to consider the opportunities the current situation presents to accelerate system-wide innovation for the future.

During the convening, NCEE’s President and CEO Anthony Mackay moderated panel discussions on the role of education leaders in times of global crisis and the role for social emotional learning and school leadership during the coronavirus pandemic.

Watch Day 1 and Day 2 of Education Disrupted, Education Reimagined, see the event program and learn more about the convening.

Panel Discussion Day 1

Panel Discussion Day 2